Courage J. F. T. Chileegbo
He is currently a Senior Student at Blue Crest University, Liberia majoring in System Infrastructure Management and Network Engineering. He is the Technical Director of CYGEC IT SOLUTIONS INC. A multi-operational company that provides affordable and scalable IT services. While serving in this position he leads his team in developing one of Liberia best high school management systems called WHITE SCHOOL.
He was the project manager during the development of TECHEALTH LIBERIA, A mobile program designed to carry out effective RISK COMMUNICATION and Valid information Dissemination in the simplest mediums. ( A project which was one of the winner solutions at the SENSI TECH HUB HEALTH HACKATHON (October 2018). He is the current Database Administrator and head of Development at the Liberia Information Technology Students Union (LITSU) where he previously served as Co-Chairman of NIIT CHAPTER.
He has a Facebook page known by the name Learn With Courage. Some of the skills include Website Development, Database Administration, Search engine optimization (SEO), Public Speaking, etc.
Courage believes that Technology can take a low or middle-class nation and turn it into a world-class nation and he’s optimistic that if Liberia embraces the rightful technologies, Liberia will find itself as one of Africa’s best technology-driven countries.